Welcome and Introduction
In addition to providing an orientation to the course, in this lesson we will reflect together on biblical and confessional teachings on the role of the deacon in the life of the church.
Inspiring Stewardship
In this lesson, we explore the variety of gifts and resources that God has entrusted to us and how to use them for the flourishing of the creation and all who live in it.
Inspiring Mercy
This lesson explores how we love God and our neighbor through acts of generous sharing, joyful hospitality, and thoughtful care.
Inspiring Justice
In this lesson, we explore the role of the deacons in equipping the church to engage in ministries of reconciliation and advocating for justice.
Exploring your Community
This lesson invites participants to reflect on the gifts already present in the community and how the church can participate with the community in ways that lead the community to around them to flourish.